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leadline for submissions:

After the success of "Fresco I", we announced our next project: Cidade a Cores .

This time, 9 artists will be selected to paint 9 portions of Portimão's Accessible Route between June and July 2024. The Accessible Route is a tour adapted for people with reduced mobility that runs through the historic center of the city. More details about the submission/selection process below.

Qual é o projeto?

The City in Colors is a mural... on the floor! The Accessible Route is a tour adapted for people with reduced mobility that runs through the historic center of the city. We held Fresco I. (see map) in the summer of 2023 with the artist Caïros and the success of the project led us to organize Cidade a Cores . In this phase, which has a larger scale, we will involve 9 artists to paint each of the 9 portions of the Accessible Route (see map).

Carta Rota fases.jpg






















How to apply?

O Open Call está aberto a todos artistas, com ou sem experiência em murais. O único requerimento é ter 18 anos pelo mínimo e ser residente de Portugal.

I. Leia o Regulamento e a Informação Técnica que explicam de maneira detalhada o que implica este projeto. 

II. Preenche o formulário de candidatura e prepare a amostra da sua obra

IV. Submeta a amostra e o formulário num email com o objeto "CANDIDATURA" ao até o 31 de março








The 9 selected artists received a value depending on the size of the work (each portion of the Route has different dimensions) corresponding to €40/m2.

This remuneration corresponds to the design and execution of the work. All materials/paints/organization are borne by POIS!

The selection

After applications closed on March 31st, a panel of 10 people who were members of POIS! They will evaluate the submissions and vote to select the 9 winning artists.

We will announce the results and allocation of portions in April. The artists will have 3 weeks to finish the drawing and carried out the work between June and July 2024.


I. A associação P.O.I.S! tratará de toda a logística (orçamentos, encomendas, materiais, sinaletica, suporte...). Também está ao dispor dos artistas em qualquer momento para ajudar.

II. Será utilizada uma tinta de poliuretano específica para essa situação. Por favor leia o documento "Informação Técnica".






















Technical information




  • Does applying have a cost?
    Registration is not free; It's important for us to be accessible to everyone :)
  • What can I do if I live far from Portimão?
    If the artist does not have an accommodation option near Portimão at the time of execution of the work, we can propose accommodation for the artist and his assistant during the period defined by the schedule.
  • I don't speak Portuguese
    Well get learning! JK; if you are a foreigner living in Portugal, send us a message and we'll work on translating the documents :)
  • I have another question
    Send us an email and we will respond as soon as possible!
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